Values, Attitudes and Behavioor

The research on values, attitudes and behavior is mainly based on data collected by GESIS (e.g. ALLBUS, CSES, ESS, Eurobarometer, EVS, GESIS Panel, GLES, ISSP, PIAAC und WVS). On the one hand, this ensures that the data service offered is research-based. On the other hand, research benefits from a sound knowledge of the data and its fundamentals. Research priorities are consistent with the data priorities, ensuring maximum synergy between research and data service.

One focus of this research area is the analysis with repeated cross-sectional surveys and panel data. Another focus is international comparative analysis. Thematic research is conducted on migration and integration as well as topics such as national identity, social values, inequality, gender ideology, environment, health, religion, and social capital.

  • Sattler, Sebastian, Shannon Taflinger, André Ernst, and Fabian Hasselhorn. 2022. "A Moderated Mediation Model Explaining the Relationship Between Risk-Group Membership, Threat Perception, Knowledge, and Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures." Frontiers in Public Health 10 19.05.2022. doi:
  • Jadidi, Mohsen, Haiko Lietz, Mattia Samory, and Claudia Wagner. 2022. "The Hipster Paradox in Electronic Dance Music: How musicians trade mainstream success off against alternative status." In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, edited by Ceren Budak, Meeyoung Cha, and Daniele Quercia, 16, 370-380. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia, Elisabeth K. Kraus, Henning Silber, Kamal Kassam, Ipek Bilgen, and Timothy P. Johnson. 2021. "Klare(s) Bild(er) interkultureller Kontakte: Interkulturalität mithilfe persönlicher Netzwerke verstehen." easy_social_sciences (66): 68-77. doi:
  • Batzdorfer, Veronika, Holger Steinmetz, Marco Biella, and Meysam Alizadeh. 2022. "Conspiracy theories on Twitter: Emerging motifs and temporal dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic." International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 13 315–333. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia. 2021. "Assimilation, ade! Wie Netzwerke uns bei der Betrachtung von Integration weiterhelfen." In Beiträge der Jungen Akademie | Mainz 2021, edited by Aglaia Bianchi, Schriftenreihe der Jungen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz 7, 9-19. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Title Start End Funder
A Next-Generation Randomised Citizen Council for Encouraging Political Participation at the Local Level (NexCiCo)
2024-05-01 2025-04-30 Stiftung
Entwicklung und Bedeutung sozialer Beziehungen im Kontext der Covid-19-Pandemie (LoneCovid)
2023-02-01 2026-01-31 Bund
Dehumanization Online: Measurement and Consequences (Professorinnenprogramm) (DeHum)
2021-01-01 2026-09-30 SAW (Leibniz)

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