49.1 - Geographies of Nuclear Energy

Special Issue– Geographies of Nuclear Energy in Past and Present. International Studies. (Alicia Gutting, Per Högselius, Teva Meyer & Melanie Mbah)
  • Christopher R. Hill & Saima Nakuti Ashipala“Follow the Yellowcake Road”: Historical Geographies of Namibian Uranium from the Rössing Mine. [abstract]
  • Michiel Bron: The Uranium Club: Big Oil’s Involvement in Uranium Mining and the Formation of an Infamous Uranium Cartel. [abstract]
  • Matteo Gerlini: Nuclear Settlers in a European Land? The Making of Centre Commune de Recherche in Ispra. [abstract]
  • Alicia Gutting & Per Högselius: Nuclearized River Basins: Conflict and Cooperation along the Rhine, Danube, and Elbe. [abstract]
  • Christian Götter: Accepted to Cool: Conflicts about Cooling Technologies for Riverside Nuclear Power Plants. [abstract]
  • Louis Fagon: Who Is Affected? Defining Nuclear Territories and Their Borders: A Historical Perspective on the Nuclearization of the Rhône River from the 1970s to the 1990s. [abstract]
  • Jan-Henrik Meyer: Nuclear Power and Geography: How the European Communities Failed to Regulate the Siting of Nuclear Installations at Borders in the 1970s and 1980s. [abstract]
  • Melanie Mbah & Sophie Kuppler: Governing Nuclear Waste in the Long Term: On the Role of Place. [abstract]
  • Teva Meyer: Bordering Nuclearity: Very Low-level Radioactive Wastes’ Clearance and the Production of Spatial Nuclearities in Germany. [abstract]
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48.4 - Doing Global Sociology

Special Issue– Doing Global Sociology: Qualitative Methods and Biographical Becoming after the Postcolonial Critique. (Johannes Becker & Marian Burchardt)
  • Gérard Amougou: Subjectivization Analysed by the Biography of the Subject-Entrepreneur in a Precarious Environment. [abstract]
  • Martín Hernán Di Marco: “Stop it with Mommy and Daddy!” Analyzing How Accounts of People in Prison Change with Their Trajectory in Argentinean Penal Institutions. [abstract]
  • Daniel Bultmann: A Global and Diachronic Approach to the Study of Social Fields. [abstract]
  • Swetlana Torno: Life-Course Management and Social Security in Later Life: Women’s Biographical Practices Spanning Generations and Historical Contexts in Tajikistan. [abstract]
  • Marian Burchardt & Johannes Becker: Subjects of God? Rethinking Religious Agency, Biography, and Masculinity from the Global South. [abstract]
  • Hannah Schilling: Navigating Uncertainty: Young Workers and Precarity in Berlin and Abidjan. [abstract]
  • Arne Worm: Migrantized Biographies. Reconstructing Life-Stories and Life-Histories as a Reflexive Approach in Migration Research. [abstract]
  • Joschka Philipps: Whose Uncertainties? Dealing with Multiple Meanings in a Transnational Biography. [abstract]
  • Michael P. K. Okyerefo: The Autobiographical Self as an Object for Sociological Enquiry. [abstract]
  • Eva Bahl & Yvonne Berger: Processes of South-South Migration in Their Historical Context: Biographical Case Studies from Brazil and China. [abstract]
  • Nkululeko Nkomo & Sibusiso Nkomo: Melancholy as Witness and Active Black Citizenry in the Writing of A.S. Vil-Nkomo. [abstract]
  • Gaku Oshima: Societal Envisioning of Biographical AIDS Activism among Gay People Living with HIV in Japan. [abstract]
  • Fabio Santos: Mind the Archival Gap: Critical Fabulation as Decolonial Method. [abstract]
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Suppl. 34 - Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration

Supplement – Arbeit, Bevölkerung, Alter und Migration - historisch und im interkulturellen Vergleich. Eine persönliche Retrospektive. (ed. Josef Ehmer)

Autobiografischer Essay
  • Josef Ehmer: Rote Fahnen – Blauer Montag. Soziale Bedingungen von Aktions- und Organisationsformen der frühen Wiener Arbeiterbewegung [1979]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Frauenarbeit und Arbeiterfamilie in Wien. Vom Vormärz bis 1934 [1981]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Lohnarbeit und Lebenszyklus im Kaiserreich [1988]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Heiratsverhalten und sozialökonomische Strukturen: England und Mitteleuropa im Vergleich [1996]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Worlds of Mobility: Migration Patterns of Viennese Artisans in the Eighteenth Century [1997]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: „Traditionelle” Handwerker und ihre Zünfte als starke Akteure in der neuzeitlichen Expansion von Warenmärkten und Arbeitsmärkten: Forschungsansätze und Resultate [1998]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: The Significance of Looking Back: Fertility Before the “Fertility Decline” [2011].
  • Josef Ehmer: Work versus Leisure: Historical Roots of the Dissociation of Work and Later Life in Twentieth-Century Europe [2015]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Arbeitsdiskurse im deutschen Sprachraum des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts [2016]. [abstract]
  • Josef Ehmer: Altersbilder und Konzeptionen des Alter(n)s im historisch-kulturellen Vergleich [2019]. [abstract]
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48.3 - Collective Agency

Special Issue– The Emergence and Effects of Non-hierarchical Collective Agency. (Johannes Marx & Thomas Gehring)
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48.2 - Sleep, Knowledge, Technology

Special Issue– Sleep, Knowledge, Technology. Studies of the sleep lab, sleep tracking and beyond. (Hannah Ahlheim, Dariuš Zifonun & Nicole Zillien)
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